Shining Sisters Week Ten

Claire Funk

This future Environmental Engineer and newly initiated Delta member, Claire, is taking every second she can to experience each enriching moment that is put in her path!

Claire Funk, AC ‘19

Claire Funk, AC ‘19

“When it came time for me to start applying to schools, I never had a doubt in my mind where I wanted to go. I wanted to follow in the steps of my grandpa and dad to become a third generation Tiger (and a third generation Clemson engineer)! When I toured, I loved how passionate everyone was about their school, and I knew that I wanted the opportunity to form my own Clemson experience. While I toured other schools, the atmosphere and my emotional connection with Clemson from day one could never be duplicated. I felt so confident in my choice to go to Clemson. It was the only school I applied to, which made getting my Tiger Town Bound letter that much sweeter. You could say "my blood runs orange," and I would not trade these moments and memories for the world.

Recruitment was definitely a fun experience for me because I loved learning about Greek life at Clemson; however, the highlight of my week was going into ADPi last in every round. While most are exhausted by the end of a long recruitment day, I always felt rejuvenated when I walked into ADPi because of the love and acceptance I received. Meeting my big in third round or talking to my sister in preference round will be special memories that I will always cherish. Meeting new friends in college was one of my biggest concerns; however, ADPi made meeting new people so easy.  After eavesdropping on a conversation in Chick-Fil-A and hearing someone talk about being a new member in ADPi, I met one of my best friends. It is unexpected friendships and enriching experiences that make joining a sorority so worth it. 

My family took a road trip to New Orleans for the National Championship game, and even though we did not win the memories made there with my family were so special. My favorite part of the trip was definitely the food (I am a BIG foodie!!). I tried chargrilled oysters for the first time which I loved and of course the beignets and coffee at Cafe Du Monde were a highlight of the trip. I am sure everyone saw lots of pictures of these powdered sugar covered treats from heaven! Going into the stadium to find that our seats were surrounded by LSU fans did not deter our excitement for the tigers and we cheered them on till the very end. We love our tigers and we'll CU in Miami!

One of my biggest goals for the next semester is to really put into action Emory's goal for the chapter last year which was: "Be Bold. Be Brave. Be Better." One thing I admire about so many ADPi girls is their motivation to be their best selves and their ability to encourage others to achieve this as well. This semester I want to be the best version of myself academically, spiritually, and in my relationships. This may require me to be bolder or braver than I usually am; however, it will lead me to be the achievement of my own goals and to encourage others. I am currently an Environmental Engineering major and hope to one day be installing or designing water filtration systems for countries in need. I cannot wait to see how God will use me through this career path and in my next three and a half years at Clemson.” - Claire Funk, AC ‘19

✺ Fun Facts ✺

  • What Would You Name Your Autobiography?

    “The Funky Life of Claire Funk”

  • Role Mode?

    “Julia Ann—my sister x2!!”

  • Childhood Trend You Miss?

    “I miss having my arms covered with silly bands every day at school!”

  • Go-To Throwback Jam?

    “Any High School Musical or Hannah Montana song!”

Cely Elrod

After being introduced to Zeta Nu by her sister, Cely found her forever home here in Alpha Delta Pi, where she has made friends that she hopes will be her future coworkers one day!

Cely Elrod, AC’ 18

Cely Elrod, AC’ 18

“I have been a Clemson fan my entire life, so when it came to choosing a college, it wasn't much of a question. I always looked up to my grandpa, cousins, aunts and older sister who were a part of the Clemson tradition before me. Growing up going to football games in Death Valley and spending that precious time with my family gave me a window into just how special of an experience it was to be a part of the Clemson family. This continued into my junior and senior year of high school when I had the opportunity to watch my older sister become a member of the Rally Cat dance team, move into her freshman dorm and start her own journey. As a result of this, by spring of my senior year of high school, I was so determined to make a Clemson story of my own. It has been the best decision I have ever made!

 I was first introduced to ADPi when my sister became a member of the Zeta Nu three years before I did. I was able to see the impact it made on her life, the friends that she made and the pride that she held in our sisterhood. When it came time for me to go through recruitment, I did my best to keep an open mind, but it was difficult when ADPi immediately felt like a home. When bid day came around, I remember being so nervous to open my envelope because I wanted to be a part of a chapter that was so welcoming and genuine as the women in Zeta Nu. I opened my bid and felt the excitement for what was to come; however, the real magic didn’t happen until our alpha class sleepover a few weeks later. On Friday night, we were given the opportunity to introduce ourselves to each other and to get to know our new sisters on a new level. Ever since then, the friends that I have made out of my sisters in Zeta Nu have turned into my neighbors, my best friends and hopefully my future coworkers!

I love days on the lake with my family and friends. Especially over the last two summers, after my parents moved to Lexington, SC on Lake Murray, our most popular weekend spot is on the water! There is nothing that I enjoy more than floating on the boat, listening to music and soaking in the sun with the people that I love the most.

 Over Christmas break, me and my family traveled to Washington, D.C. to visit my sister and attend a Christmas cocktail at the White House! My parents and younger sister squeezed into my older sister’s one bedroom apartment for a few days to sightsee, try new foods and get a feel of the city life. While we were there, we went in the Washington Monument, the Lincoln Memorial, several different museums and of course the most famous house in America. The last night that we were there, we got to dress up, meet my sister in the East Wing of the White House and even saw a glimpse of the President and First Lady. Afterwards, my sister gave us a tour of the West Wing where she works everyday. It was one of the best trips my family has ever taken and was full of so much fun history!

 My main goal for the semester is to get as much experience for my future career as a first or second grade teacher as possible! I love kids and am so excited to work with them in my own classroom!” - Cely Elrod, AC ‘18


✺ Fun Facts ✺

  • What Would You Name Your Autobiography?

    “It's Cely… C.E.L.Y! Because my name always gets pronounced and spelled wrong.”

  •  Role Model?
    “My role model is my grandma because she was the most loving and genuine person I have ever known. ”

  • Happy Place?

    “My happy place is the lake! I love boat rides, being in the sun and spending time with my favorite people!”

  • Best Clemson Memory?

    “My favorite Clemson memory is from last year, being downtown when we won the national championship! It was a moment I will never forget and something that I will share with my fellow Tigers forever.”

Abigail Brownell

As Abigail continues her journey in becoming a teacher, she will be exemplify her dad’s admirable quality and follow her dreams!

Abigail Brownell (left), AC ‘16

Abigail Brownell (left), AC ‘16

“Having grown up in Clemson, I always thought that I would choose to go to a different school that was farther away from home. However, when it came time for me to tour different schools, my parents made me tour Clemson’s campus “just incase I was overlooking it.” My parents ended up being exactly right. The tour made me fall in love with the school and it’s charming small-town feel all over again. I realized that Clemson was truly my home and that I couldn’t see myself going anywhere else!

Joining ADPi has greatly impacted my time here at Clemson. Not only has ADPi given me my best friends and the most unforgettable memories, but it’s also given me a support system of 280+ girls that I can always count on to lift me up, hold me accountable, and make me feel loved and accepted.

My dad has always been one of my biggest role models. He was recently recognized as the winningest men’s basketball coach in Clemson’s history, however, I believe that his most admirable quality is his ability to never give up on reaching his goals. Throughout his coaching career, he has consistently exemplified what it means to work towards reaching your goals, no matter how difficult it may be. He is one of the most hard-working people that I know and is a direct reflection of everything that Clemson stands for. Being able to watch my dad represent Clemson so well has made me extremely proud to be able to say that I went to Clemson.

I was recently accepted into Clemson’s Teacher Residency Program in the College of Education, where I will be continuing my education to receive a Master’s Degree in Teaching and Learning in Elementary Education! I am so blessed to have been given the opportunity to expand my skills and knowledge of teaching and cannot wait to have my own classroom in the future!

After I graduate, the one thing that I will miss most about my college experience at Clemson is the people. There’s a reason why people describe Clemson as having a “family atmosphere” and that’s 100% because of the people that make it up. Throughout my time here at Clemson, I’ve been able to create lifelong friendships with so many different kinds of people that have helped give me the best college experience!” ~Abigail Brownell, AC ‘16

✺ Fun Facts ✺

  • Celebrity You Would Like to be BFF’s With?

    “I would love to be BFF’s with Lauren Akins (Thomas Rhett’s wife)! I think that she’s such a great role-model for young women, and I’ve always had the biggest girl crush on her!! She was actually an ADPi at the University of Tennessee when she was in college, too, which I think is pretty cool!”

  • Best Clemson Memory?

    My best Clemson memory was definitely the day that my younger sister, Kate, chose to go ADPi. Having her run down to me on Bid Day was the best feeling ever, because I was so excited for her to be given the same amazing experience in college that ADPI had given me. This day was such a special memory that I will always hold close to my heart. I always joke with her about how she didn’t get to choose me as a sister the first time around, but she did this time!”

  • Dream Job?

    “My dream job is to be a 2nd grade teacher! Ever since I was a little girl, I always knew that I wanted to be a teacher. I’ve always had a passion for children, and I can’t imagine spending my life doing anything else!”

  • Happy place?

    My happy place would definitely be the beach! There’s just something so calming and relaxing about being at the beach that makes me feel like all of my stress and worries have disappeared.