Shining Sisters Week Nine

Autumn Floyd

Autumn shares about her love for this tiger town, her journey to finding her lifelong sisters, her dreamy NYC winter break, and her aspirations in life!

Autumn Floyd, AC ‘19

Autumn Floyd, AC ‘19

“I’ve been cheering on the Tigers for as long as I can remember. Since I was a little girl, I’ve tailgated with my family at every home football game and shared endless memories with them in Death Valley. Clemson has always felt like home to me. There is something so special about this little town and all of the people in it. I only applied to Clemson and USC, but I always knew I would choose Clemson. My love for this town and university has grown so much throughout my first semester. From watching countless sunsets at the rowing docks to pulling all nighters in Cooper Library, I’ve already made some of the best memories of my life. However, these memories would not be complete without the wonderful friends I have met. 

Since I joined Alpha Delta Pi, I have met some of the most amazing girls in the world. In high school, I prayed for the friendships that I have today. In this sorority, I have found girls who genuinely support me and lift me up. I met friends to laugh with, cry with, study with, and just do life with. My roommate and high school best friend, Berkley, also joined ADPi. This has made us so much closer, and we have so much fun together. There are many older girls in ADPi that I look up to so much. I have the best Big in the world and have so many mentors and big sisters that have been there for me. These girls made my transition into Clemson so much easier. 

Over winter break, my mom and I planned a girls’ trip and flew to New York City for several nights. One of my best friends, Olivia, who is one of my ADPi sisters, took a four hour train ride from Maryland to join us! We walked around Times Square in the snow, did a lot of shopping and probably enjoyed the food and restaurants a little too much! We also went to the Color Factory, saw the Radio City Rockettes, and took in Mean Girls on Broadway. We had such an amazing time and even met up with Emma, another sister, and spent some time exploring with her. I am so thankful that ADPi brought us together because I don’t know what I would do without them. I am so blessed to have such a great group of friends and sisters! 

I am currently majoring in Biological Sciences and minoring in Psychology. I plan on attending medical school and as of now, my goal is to become a Psychiatrist. I am also interested in several other fields of medicine but Psychiatry has always been an interest of mine. I am fascinated by the way the brain works and feel that there are so many people out there who can benefit from some type of medical intervention or treatment. My goal is to make an impact on this particular population and to do my part in trying to reduce the stigma associated with mental illness. I plan to continue focusing on my academic goals over the next few years, and I hope to keep meeting new friends every step of the way!” ~ Autumn Floyd, AC ‘19

✺ Fun Facts ✺

  • Role Model?

    “My Mom- she’s my best friend!”

  • Best Clemson Memory?

    “Bid Day would definitely be my favorite Clemson memory! It’s hard to beat a huge dance party in the West End Zone with girls that would soon become my best friends!”

  • Happy Place?

    The rowing docks at sunset!”

  • Go-To Throwback Jam?

    “Ice Ice Baby or HollaBack Girl- I can’t choose!”

Jayden Barnes

Jayden’s story can inspire us to follow our dreams, even when it seems hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel! Her light appeared when her dreams became true and her Clemson experiences began!

Jayden Barnes, AC ‘18

Jayden Barnes, AC ‘18

“Clemson has always been my dream school, but going to school here was not the easiest decision for me to make. I have always wanted to be a nurse, and I knew this was going to be challenging because of Clemson’s very competitive program. After getting bridged, this seemed to be an even more impossible goal for me to reach. However, after much debate, I decided to go after what I really wanted. My bridge year was awesome, but I never felt that I was fully involved in Clemson the way I wanted to be. Joining a sorority was something that I saw myself loving. So, sophomore year was one of the best years because I finally had gotten to where I had wanted to be for so long. I applied to the Nursing program in the spring and after much praying and stressing I got that amazing email saying that I had been accepted. It was one of the best feelings in the world to reach that goal I had. 

Other than ADPI I am a member of CUSG transfer Council and serve as the bridge outreach committee head. I love being able to connect with students that are going through the same process I went through. I also help recruit people for a program here at Clemson that facilitates international service and learning where students get to go on medical mission trips to impoverished areas. I also recently got a position as an Anatomy and Physiology PAL leader so I am super excited for this semester.

Joining Alpha Delta Pi has brought me so much joy. I have met girls that have become the kind of friends that I have always wanted. ADPi is so unique and diverse in the type of girls that we are. However, we all have these underlying qualities that make us sisters in the most beautiful way. I have so many different types of friends in this sorority. One of my favorite things about ADPi is that when I get to know someone that I haven't previously been friends with, I can always find something that we have in common. It feels like you can’t meet a stranger.

Over Christmas break, I got the most amazing opportunity to travel to Cuba on a mission trip with some girls in ADPi that I knew but had previously never really gotten to know on a personal level or spent time with. It was incredible to learn so much about them in such a short period of time. I am very thankful for that opportunity and all the opportunities that ADPi has given me to meet incredible and inspiring girls. It has been the biggest blessing and really made my college experience.” ~ Jayden Barnes, AC ‘ 18

✺ Fun Facts ✺

  •  Childhood Trend I Miss?

    “Rolling book bags! They would be so helpful now!”

  • Dream Job?

    “Pediatric Nurse Practitioner”

  • Go-To Throwback Jam?

    “Any T-Swift!”

  • Happy Place?

    '“Somewhere on a beach!”