Shining Sisters Week Six

Autumn O’Shields 

In a world of strides for superficial success and perfection, Autumn is as selfless as it gets as she describes her unfiltered social media strategy and positive lifestyle. 

Autumn O’Shields, AC ‘19

Autumn O’Shields, AC ‘19

“I used to go through group pictures and look solely at myself... and I am not going to lie, I still do that sometimes! It's a struggle not to look at yourself first, especially as critical as we can all be about our looks. As time went on, I started disliking all pictures in general because they had no story at all, just a way to review the things about me that weren't quite good enough..  a never ending cycle! I remember at the very start of high school thinking that if I could be the one behind the camera, I could make pictures somehow happier, maybe a little less posed, so I bought my own camera and the first day I bought it, I remember asking my 9th grade best friend Jordyn to let me take pictures of her. I dreamed up all these ideas, that maybe I could picture someone else from the perspective of others because I wholeheartedly believe that if every girl could see themselves in the shoes of others, they would realize just how beautiful they are! In reality, it doesn't make much sense to call ourselves ugly because we don't even see ourselves that often. We don't watch ourselves fall asleep or read our favorite book, or enjoy time with friends, or look at someone we love... there's no mirror in our way when we are laughing and smiling and being kind to others... the moments where we are truly just being ourselves. I treasured these dreams so much that I have found the most beautiful pictures to be just that-- happy ones, real ones, pictures of someone from my perspective when they are just being themselves. My Instagram is really just my favorites album or my Snapchat memories, since I don't have any other form of social media; it's my way of collecting pictures of places and people that have mean a great deal to me, as a journal per se. I can't imagine using it any other way. The pictures I have collected make me so happy because they are the sweetest day to day memories and moments, no matter how simple or extravagant they appear on the screen.

At first, I didn't know if Clemson was for me. I thought with a school so close, so football oriented, SO this and that -- that I may not be able to sit on a bench in the shade and read a book peacefully, or ride my blue beach bike and pretend to be at the beach or even just have my own, individual experience... but boy I could not have been more wrong. I have found Clemson to be everything I wanted and more. I changed all my preconceived ideas when I saw a girl on my tour here studying on the grass, in the shade, and she was smiling... a funny thing to do while studying... quite noticeable to me, and though I didn't ask her, I'm pretty sure she wasn't smiling to do all her homework but smiling to be in Clemson... to love a place so much that she did all her work happily because she wanted to stay. I saw her, and naturally thereafter I started recognizing all the places I belonged here, all the shady spots of Clemson: in the hidden places underneath trees, on every rocking chair of Manning Porch, and every bench along the North Green. I can confidently say now that I can't imagine myself anywhere else. Clemson has quickly become my favorite place to be. 

I do not know if there is a preconceived idea of a stereotypical sorority girl, but if there is one, I do not know that I would fit. I chose ADPi because during recruitment I laughed with girls about dropping my Starbucks sausage egg & cheese on the ground before I walked in the room.. and ate it anyways.. or had my clip-on earring come off right when I walked into ADPi's room for recruitment, wearing one earring, holding the other, for the entirety of that round. I talked to real people with genuine smiles. I saw it as a place where I could be myself, where the girls even thought I was refreshing... the girl who is actually a complete mess wearing everything that is my sister’s since I did not have anything quite fitting for rounds. 

I am a nursing major, and though I am honestly going to say I do not even know yet what all the options are when it comes to types of nurses or what I hope to do with that, I can say I am surely a girl who enjoys options and being around people. I originally wanted to be a counselor, for so long for a matter of fact, until I realized counseling is in every job, every crack and cranny if you want it to be. So when I think of nursing, I think of reminding women just how beautiful they are-- reminding them that they are strong, independent, but gentle and soft too, all wrapped up in one. I think of reminding men of the fathers they are to the fatherless, reminding them how brave they are, how admirable they are. I hope not to forget the simple things like just reminding them to take their medication when they get home... that information will surely be important as well! 

Freshman year is real sweet; my one goal this year is to be a really great friend, and though I fail on the daily, it has been so special to stay home some nights and watch movies with a friend who just needs a relaxing night, or sleep a little less to have a good conversation, or even procrastinate a little extra so I can sit down and eat dinner with someone who reminds me of home. Freshman year is the best, and I am holding on to every moment.” - Autumn O’Shields, AC ‘19

Fun Facts:

  • Favorite quote? 

"For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone." - Audrey Hepburn

  • Childhood trend you miss? 

“Curiosity about any given thing- no matter how detailed or broad it may have been. I miss spending my days wondering about all the trees I could climb in my backyard and dreaming about how Santa was going to fit in my chimney; the simple stuff.” 

  • Happy place?

“Manning front porch with a perfect combination of sunlight, shade, and breeze, aahhh sounds nice even thinking about it.” 

Madison Howard

One of our newly initiated Deltas, Madison, tells her story of letting go and learning to follow a plan other than her own on an unexpected path which has formed her into who she is today. 

Madison Howard, AC ‘19

Madison Howard, AC ‘19

“I am officially official!! I cannot wait to see what the future holds for me here at Clemson. I worked hard to be where I am today and being a part of the Alpha Delta Pi chapter here at Clemson makes college life a whole lot sweeter.

Growing up in Greenville so close to Clemson, attending Clemson football games was a tradition in my family. Ever since a young age, I knew I wanted to attend Clemson University. I worked hard in high school to get the grades that would allow me to attend my dream school. However, after a long day of school my senior year, I came home and opened the mailbox to instead find a Bridge Program acceptance letter. I was disappointed and conflicted on what I should do. But knowing this was the path to Clemson I was meant to take, I enrolled. I told myself this was what God intended for me and I fully trusted Him during the process.

Having that year of transition taught me many things about myself. I began learning who I was and what I wanted to be. When going through the Bridge Program, I looked up to many women that were a part of Alpha Delta Pi at Clemson. Now, as a sophomore Biology major at the University and a member of ADPi, I am on track with who I want to become more than ever! I have always struggled to find where I fit in, and now I can confidently say I found my place. It’s only been two months since bid day, and I have already made such amazing friendships in ADPi. Walking around campus and seeing so many of my sisters makes each school day a little brighter. Alpha Delta Pi is my new forever home.

Joshua 1:9

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” - Madison Howard, AC ‘19

Fun Facts:

  • Celebrity you’d want as a bff?

“If I could be bff's with any celebrity, I would die to be Sadie Robertson's go-to gal! She is so inspiring and a great Christian woman. I actually met her a few years ago at an ice cream shop I used to work at. So I made Sadie Robertson a kick butt sundae- no biggy.” 

  • Fav Clemson memory?

“My best Clemson memory so far would definitely be bid day!! Running home to my ADPi family was the best feeling ever. The amount of love I felt that day was insane and getting to experience in Death Valley wasn't too bad either. It is definitely a day I will never forget.”

  • Happy place?

“My happy place is definitely the beach. Literally any beach. It is so peaceful and relaxing; I can never get enough of it. Ever since I was little, my family would go on vacation to multiple beaches throughout the year. It will always be something I count down the days to and have a special place in my heart.” 

Peyton Roach

Our 2019 Miss Homecoming representative Peyton shares her experience on and off stage on the road to 1st Runner Up. So proud of our girl!

Peyton Roach, AC ‘16

Peyton Roach, AC ‘16

“I participated in my high school pageants my sophomore, junior, and senior years. I also did two prelims to Miss South Carolina teen. But there is no one else I would have wanted to represent on that stage my senior year, I feel truly honored to represent the first and finest! I really enjoyed getting to know all of the girls participating. I was surprised at how close we all got in just a short period of time. The biggest challenge for me was learning the opening number dance, I have never been the best dancer so I learned to just have fun with it. 

ADPi has given me an abundance of connections that will continue to benefit me for years after I graduate. I feel like each of us will have a connection that we will cherish the rest of our lives. It has also given me friends who all share similar goals and interests. We all take pride in our reputation and never fail to hold each other accountable for our actions. 

 It is so bittersweet being a senior. I am not looking forward to not being able to see my friends everyday this time next year but I am excited for what the future holds. I plan to work in real estate in the Lake Keowee area for a year or two to save up some money. I eventually want to move back to Nashville and pursue a career in the country music industry. 

My advice would be to just get involved as much as you can without spreading yourself too thin. Along the way, create meaningful relationships with people and really get to know them on a deeper level.” - Peyton Roach, AC ‘16 

Fun Facts:

  • Favorite quote? 

“Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart”    

  • Childhood trend you miss?

“Tearing out all of the Justin Biebers posters in the Tiger Beat and J-14 magazines” 

  • If you could have dinner with one person living or dead, who would it be and why?

“My Gigi (Grandma), I would ask her what heaven is like and if animals go to heaven”