Shining Sisters Week Seven

Laurel Williams

With an eye for design and a heart for the Clemson Family, Laurel is learning to tell stories through a whole new lens.

Laurel Williams, AC ‘18

Laurel Williams, AC ‘18

“My story is full of people who have loved me well, even when I did not deserve it. I am grateful to be able to put into words just a small piece of that story that continues to grow and be challenged every single day here at Clemson. 

I have always been a storyteller. My friends will tell you, I love to talk and share stories, whether mine or someone else’s. Growing up, I have found many ways to tell stories, but photography has to be my favorite. I have always been creative-minded and there are many ways to express creativity through pictures. My favorite thing about photography is the chance to simply capture the life and beauty happening around me. There is a time and place for planned photoshoots to bring ideas to life, but my absolute favorite thing in the world is just having my camera in hand throughout my day. My camera has quite literally just become an extension of my right hand, settings always on ‘high-speed continuous,’ ready to capture the world surrounding me. I cannot create beauty, but I can find beauty in the simplest of things. Sometimes that beauty is found in the peacefulness of sitting out on Bowman, and other times it is found in the midst of gameday hype. It doesn’t really matter what setting I am in, people are unique and beautiful and although my photos cannot do them justice, I sure do love to try. Something that has been helpful for me throughout my journey with photography has been my mindset behind it all. I do not think of myself as a photographer, instead, I am just a girl who loves taking pictures. It may seem silly, but if I focus on being a ‘photographer’ then I spend too much time comparing my work to others’. However, if I think of myself as just Laurel, who happens to love taking pictures, then I am free to just enjoy capturing the beauty I see around me. 

Clemson has always been my “family” school, so there was no question in my mind that it was my #1 choice. I chose Clemson knowing that it would be an incredible school, but I had no idea that this place would become my home. 

Oddly enough, I never actually toured Clemson until two weeks before I moved into Manning Hall my freshman year. I was already ready to come to Clemson, but was not prepared to fall in love. My big brother let me tag along with him one day on one of his last summer tours. I went on the tour, and watched him show his love for his school to complete strangers, welcoming them to the place he called home. It was that day that I really became excited about calling this place my home too, and it was also that day that I knew I had to be a tour guide. I wanted to be the person to welcome people to their new home, to make them feel loved and cared for in just a two hour walk across campus. Little did I know then that my CUGA family would hold my closest friends and the greatest learning experiences for me during my time here. I cannot express enough how much each and every member of that organization means to me. 

I never knew much about Greek Life growing up, and did not feel the need to join a specific Greek Life organization coming into college. It wasn’t until my sophomore year that I decided to join ADPi because I simply wanted the opportunity to spend more time with some of the incredible friends I had already made. I ran home to some of my very favorite people on bid day! There was no question in my mind that ADPi was just another exciting piece in making Clemson my forever home!

I have no shortage of Clemson Moments, mostly including my older brother Micah, my CUGA Fam, and Freshman Council ’21. My freshman year I remember walking up to a junior who I recognized from social media and introducing myself. I was expecting her to be friendly and find a way to easily end the conversation. Instead, she pulled out her calendar and planned coffee with me right in that moment. I was shocked that a junior, who seemed to have her life put together, cared at all to spend time with me. I soon realized that was a theme among the upperclassmen at Clemson and was shocked at how loved I felt here. It has made me want to be that kind of person for other people at this school, to take time out of my day to care for my Clemson Family. Also, combining my love for Clemson and photography by shooting on the football field is honestly one of my favorite things I have ever gotten to do!” - Laurel Williams, AC ‘18 

Fun Facts: 

  • What would you name your autobiography?

“A Soul on Fire” 

  • Favorite quote?

“‘Be weird, be random, be who you are. you never know who might LOVE the person you hide.’ - C.S.Lewis”

  • Best Clemson memory?

“I have so many memories with my siblings coming to see the homecoming floats when we were little kids! I love now being student and helping build the floats that I used to marvel at as a little girl.” 

Lauren Mossburg

Senior Lauren shares the many ways she’s served our chapter and the Panhellenic Community as a whole, which has only further fostered her love for Zeta Nu.

Lauren Mossburg AC ‘16

Lauren Mossburg AC ‘16

“This past year I served on the Panhellenic Executive Council as the Vice President of Public Relations. While on the Council I had the opportunity to work with girls in all 12 different chapters on campus to further and promote our Panhellenic community. Serving in this position gave me the ability to grow outside of Alpha Delta Pi by impacting other chapters and promoting Panhellenic love across the campus. I also had the opportunity to see Recruitment from a different side and got to see all the Potential New Members find their forever homes as Panhellenic women. Although I enjoyed my experience, I am very thankful that I can call ADPi my forever home. 

Throughout my time in ADPi I had the opportunity to serve as the Corresponding Secretary, as well as the Ronald McDonald House Chair. I loved both positions and feel like I really had the opportunity to make an impact. Serving as the Ronald McDonald House chair was very impactful because I got to work with the RMH staff in Greenville in the naming of the Clemson ADPi room and it was amazing to be able to see that project through to the finish. 

As I look toward graduation and the future, I am excited but nervous to see what is in store for me. This past summer I worked in Washington, D.C. for Gartner, Inc. where I spoke with clients from all over the world about technology and how it is impacting their businesses. I grew so much over the summer both professionally and personally and discovered more about what I want to do after I graduate.

As I finish my senior year I think back to all the amazing memories both Clemson and ADPi have given me. Clemson University and Alpha Delta Pi have impacted me more than I could have ever imagined. I am halfway through my senior year and I wish everyday that time would slow down and I could go back to my freshman year and relive college all over again. I will be eternally thankful for the forever friendships and memories I have created.” - Lauren Mossburg, AC ‘16

Fun Facts:

  • Favorite quote?

“My favorite quote of all time is by Maya Angelo, “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” I heard this quote for the first time from my mom and she told me that it is my job to always make people feel welcome and important. I don't think I have ever been given better advice. I have had a banner of it hung in my room since freshman year and I will hang it in my next home after graduation.” 

  • Where is your happy place?

“My favorite spot on campus is the Lake Hartwell Dykes. I enjoy being outside so walking the Dykes on a nice afternoon is one of my favorite things to do. My sisters and I will try to meet up to walk whenever we are free to get outside and enjoy the beautiful Clemson weather. I also love to be out on Lake Hartwell with the Watersports club anytime that I have the chance!”

  • Celebrity you’d want as your BFF?

“I would love to be friends with Taylor Swift. I feel like Taylor and I are the same person so we would get along so well. I also love her cats so I would really like to hang out with Taylor and meet her cats.”