Why ADPi #2
Sister Spotlight + Why ADPi
Madison Belissary, Kendall Alford, Aly Yeadon, Meagan Prescott, Kelly Cabaniss (AC '16)
Meagan Prescott, scholarship chair, AC '16
Before freshman year, I was hesitant to join a sorority because I was worried I wouldn’t be able to balance the responsibilities of being a member with my academics. One of the best decisions I ever made was to go through recruitment anyways to see what it was about. I found that sororities go far beyond anything I could ever imagine, especially Alpha Delta Pi. During recruitment, the girls I talked to in ADPi were so sincere from the start. I was able to have deep conversations with people that I had just met, and that was a sign to me that this chapter was something special. Through ADPi, I have found my very best friends. I loved getting to live on the hall with my whole pledge class last year and am so excited to share a house with some of my closest friends in the fall, even though I wish we could find a house that could fit everyone. As a member of ADPi, I felt like I always had someone to get ready with, someone to help me lay out everything I needed for semi-formal when I had a physics exam until 9PM that same night, and do everything in between with. Beyond friends, I was able to support a philanthropy that connected to my career goals, the Ronald McDonald House. Even though we are not doctors, going to cook dinner at the house in Greenville aids patients and their families to be able to continue to get the medical care they need without having expensive hotel fees.
Unlike my worries before recruitment, ADPi actually helped me balance school and social life, which pushed me to become Scholarship Chair sophomore year. If I have to stay in to study, there is always someone else that has to study too. I have found friends that love medicine as well, and we even all went to Nicaragua on a medical mission trip for spring break together. On that trip, I found out I got accepted to a summer program at MUSC for neuroscience during one of the few moments we had wifi. This summer, I will be participating in that program and I hope to use the knowledge I gain to eventually specialize in neurology as a physician many years down the road. As for ADPi, I know I will continue to make more memories with the amazing friends I have gained through this organization.
That's it for our second Sister Spotlight / Why ADPi of the summer! Make sure to keep up with us on Instagram, VSCO, and Facebook to see more of our sisterhood and to know when our next blog post is up!