Hey PNMs! Why ADPi #8!

Nan’s Spotlight + Why ADPi

“…it was here that I felt I would be able to stay grounded in who I was while also being encouraged to become something better.”

Nan Spacek, AC ‘17

Nan Spacek, AC ‘17

Nan Spacek - Alpha Class ‘17

“Hi PNMs!! My name is Nan Spacek and I am a senior nursing major from Columbia, SC. Like so many of you, when I started college, I was met with a fresh slate and was so excited about it! It was all about figuring out who I was and making decisions about who I wanted to become. I was originally very apprehensive about the entire recruitment process. I have an older sister who was already at Clemson, had gone ADPi, and loved it! My sister is my absolute best friend but we are very different people so naturally, I was concerned that ADPi wouldn't be the best fit for me. Honestly, I think my biggest fear starting recruitment was that I wouldn't end up being a good fit anywhere. However, as I went through rounds I discovered that I loved a lot of different chapters. I could see so many different versions of myself as I tried to imagine what my next 4 years at Clemson would be like. What I realized sitting in my preference round for ADPi was that I didn't have to be any other version of myself here. I felt like I fit, just as I was! I looked around and saw a room full of amazing women, including my older sister, who were all incredibly different from each other. I could see that despite their differences they really loved and encouraged one another. It wasn't that there was no room for me to grow or be challenged, quite the opposite actually, but it was here that I felt I would be able to stay grounded in who I was while also being encouraged to become something better. I followed that feeling straight to bid day and after 3.5 years in ADPi, I can confidently say I was not disappointed in my decision. 

I have been challenged in love by so many of my sisters to become the best person I can be. I have made the best friendships and have had more fun than I could have ever imagined.  

Between dining hall dates, late-night Wendy's, ALL the functions, weekend trips, and game days, I know I have memories that I will keep for a lifetime. As my time at Clemson is coming to an end I can reflect on my time here, I realize just how big of a blessing ADPi has been to me. So, why ADPi? I know that my four years at Clemson University will always hold a special place in my heart, but I know that they were forever changed by having such an amazing group of girls cheering me on every step of the way. That is truly my wish for every single one of you, that you find a group of girls to be your biggest cheerleaders and always encourage you to stay true to yourself. We are BEYOND excited to meet you Class of 2024!!” - Nan Spacek, AC ‘17

Welcome to our Why ADPi series for this summer! Make sure to keep up with us on Instagram, VSCO, and Facebook to see more of our sisterhood and to stay up to date with our next blog posts!