Hey PNMs! Why ADPi #3!

Audrey’s Spotlight + Why ADPi

“ADPi has given me my forever best friends. These girls have seen me at my worst and my best.”

Audrey Kellan, AC ‘ 17

Audrey Kellan, AC ‘ 17

Audrey Kellan - Alpha Class ‘17

“Hi PNMs! We are counting down the days until we can finally meet y’all :) Recruitment has always been one of my favorite memories at Clemson and I hope y’all enjoy it as much as I did. Just remember we get nervous on the other side too and we want y’all to have the best experience possible. I remember back to my freshman year I was the first one in my family to go through recruitment so I had no idea what to expect. No matter what happens, ADPi will always welcome you with open arms even if you have no idea what you are doing… like me.

I am so proud to be part of the Zeta Nu chapter at Clemson University because of the values that ADPi has as a whole. Going through recruitment I noticed how well-rounded ADPi’s were. They were the girls that I knew I could have a fun time with but also the girls who cared about their studies, their faith, and most importantly themselves. I always felt like ADPis were so respectable and I knew I wanted to be a part of a group of girls who set high standards for themselves. 

ADPi has pushed me to do my absolute best in everything I do. This sorority has truly 

shaped me into the person I am today. 

ADPi has given me my forever best friends. These girls have seen me at my worst and my best. From movie nights on the hall to moving into our first apartment together, they have made my time at Clemson one I will remember forever. Thinking about leaving these girls and having to say my goodbye to ADPi is the absolute worst feeling ever but I am so thankful for the memories made. 

I can’t thank my ADPi family enough for being by my side through it all. I never knew my Big Diamond Sister would actually become my best friend. I met her on Bid Day in August of my freshman year and this past week I watched her get engaged. It is friendships like this that you will find in Alpha Delta Pi. 

I wish I was in y’alls shoes right now going through recruitment. No matter where you end up you will have the best greek life experience and so much to look forward to. The best advice I have is to not do what others want you to do or base your decision off of things you have heard --- this is about you. 
I wish y’all all the best of luck during recruitment and throughout your time at Clemson. I hope it gives you the best times and incredible moments that it has given me.” - Audrey Kellan, Alpha Class ‘17

Welcome to our Why ADPi series for this summer! Make sure to keep up with us on Instagram, VSCO, and Facebook to see more of our sisterhood and to stay up to date with our next blog posts!