Shining Sisters Week Fourteen

Rivers Chandler

AC ‘18

Rivers Chandler, AC ‘18

Rivers Chandler, AC ‘18

“Living in Barnett Hall with all my sisters this year has been the biggest blessing, and I am so sad our time was cut short. E-learning was difficult for me at first. I am a Pre-med major and I was really worried about doing my classes online, because a lot of them are so hands on. Thankfully all my professors have been so amazing and helpful. My organic chemistry professor receives at least one email a day from me with questions! But through this crazy time I am learning to find joy and thankfulness for all the little things in life while being stuck at home.  I've made my backyard into a nice tanning area, so I can tan and study at the same time- it's the little things! I tried to get creative with cooking; whipped coffee was not a success, but chocolate covered strawberries were. I've been reading a lot when I'm not studying. I recommend "Is Everyone Hanging Out WIthout Me" by Mindy Kaling! I'm trying to use this quarantine to spend less time on social media and Netflix and instead soaking up this extra time with my family. Social distancing has taught me to never take a hug or coffee dates with a friend for granted! I cannot wait to get back to Clemson and hug my sisters and get some All In coffee! Until then, Zoom calls will have to do. 

One thing I really miss about Clemson is getting to share my hobby with others- teaching fitness classes! This year has pushed me out of my comfort zone in so many ways, and becoming a fitness instructor is one of them. Exercise and health has always been my passion, and I am so thankful I get to teach HIIT classes! Waking up at 5 AM to go teach isn't always fun, but once I get there and get to see people work hard and improve it makes it all worth it. I love teaching HIIT because it's so challenging, it pushes you beyond your limits. It's amazing to me what our bodies can do! During this time at home, I have loved getting to be more creative with my exercise- from HIIT to boxing to yoga! Our health and wellness is something to be thankful for everyday and I encourage everyone to get active today! 

One of my favorite Clemson memories is moving onto the hall. I've been able to get to know girls I didn't really know before, and get even closer to ones I did know. I spend so much time studying, but thankfully the hall has given me friends that know when to pull me away from the books. Every moment on the hall consists of fun and sweet times with good people. And I have the best neighbors ever! The hall has surrounded me with people who push me out of my comfort zone and make me the best version of myself. Bachelor Mondays on the hall and getting ready for game days together will be missed. 

Joining ADPi has shaped my Clemson career in so many ways. Coming to Clemson, I really wasn't sure about joining a sorority because none of my family or close friends had been a part of one. Looking back, I am so thankful I joined ADPi. College was such a hard transition for me, and I was beyond homesick. ADPi made Clemson feel a little more like home. ADPi just keeps giving me more and more. I have the most amazing friends, the best family (shoutout to Lauren, Abigail, and Adeline), and so many opportunities. ADPi is an absolute dream and pushes me to be a better and brighter person!” -Rivers Chandler, AC ‘18


✺ Fun Facts ✺

  • Happy Place? 

“My happy place is Cherry Grove Beach, SC where I live! It is a dream and the beach is a part of me!”

  • Role Model?

“Carrie Underwood! Nothing else needs to be said she is amazing in every way.” 

  • Go-To Throwback Jam?

 “Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield. This song just makes me feel like I can do anything.” 

  • Childhood Trend you Miss? 

“Riding around the neighborhood with my sisters on our razor scooters. Simpler times.”

Savannah Skidmore

AC ‘18

Savannah Skidmore, AC ‘18

Savannah Skidmore, AC ‘18

“Hi everyone! My name is Savannah Skidmore and I am a Junior Health Sciences major at Clemson University. I am from the beautiful Greenville, SC. I love living in the South where the winters are short and the summers are long. I knew I wanted to come to Clemson ever since I was a little girl. My Dad is a die-hard football fan, and I grew up knowing that there was no other place for me. Touring Clemson and the Science departments sealed the deal. I am a member of the Calhoun Honors College and met one of my best friends/roommate living in the Honors dorm freshman year. We still live together.

I am the President of the Clemson Debate team and love every second of it. We travel domestically and internationally to compete against the most prestigious schools in the world. We have travelled to Slovenia, Hungary, France, South Africa, Italy and Ireland. I most recently spent this past Christmas break in Thailand and Cambodia. I enjoyed every second of taking in the beautiful architecture and style of the East. Instead of studying abroad, I have gotten to travel at least once a month since joining the team my freshman year. I have encountered all different kinds of culture and learned just how much there is left to experience in this beautiful world. Debate is about learning how to better communicate with people of all backgrounds and opinions. I have learned that the art of communication involves a lot more listening than speaking. 

After graduation, I am planning to attend medical school. I am passionate about medicine and serving my community. During the COVID-19 crisis, I am volunteering at Prisma Health in the drive through testing efforts. I could not sit back and do nothing knowing I had the skills and clearance to help my community. I look up to all the healthcare providers that are risking their lives for us everyday and aspire to be as selfless as they are as a future physician. I also participate in surgical research at Prisma Health. We are currently studying post-operative infection rates in patients that had an open abdomen surgery. I have loved working under the incredible surgeons at Prisma and have learned many skills I hope to take into my own practice. Surgery is exciting and there is something new everyday. 

Clemson has been my home ever since the first time I stepped on campus. No matter how busy I am with school or clubs, I can always be found in Death Valley on Saturdays in the fall or out in the lake in the spring. Being an ADPi has given me a sense of belonging and sisterhood that makes the Clemson experience that much better. I love going to functions and out to eat with my sisters whenever I can. I hope that wherever I end up in this world, I always make time to come back to Clemson every chance I get!” -Savannah Skidmore, AC ‘18

✺ Fun Facts ✺

  • Favorite Quote:

“I don’t know exactly what the future holds, but I’m stepping forward with grit anchored in grace.”-Julie Graham

  • Enneagram Number:

8 The Challenger. I am crazy competitive and love any challenge I can get!”

  • Favorite Throwback Jam?

“I’ll sing every word if Fergalicious comes on, and I’m not ashamed!”

Alyssa Augello

AC ‘17

Alyssa Augello, AC ‘17

Alyssa Augello, AC ‘17

“When I decided I wanted to transfer schools I wanted to make sure that wherever I went, it had ADPi. I also wanted a school that was further from home, had nicer weather than New York, had an exciting football atmosphere and a great education program. Clemson fell into my hands in my research, and when I went to visit with my Dad and brother, I fell in love. I immediately “got that feeling” and just knew this is where I belonged. The moment I got my acceptance I was in Target and screamed so loud and jumped for joy. I have never been happier. Clemson has provided me with an amazing football experience (go Tigers always), warm weather, and the most challenging and rewarding education program. Transferring here has been one of the best decisions I have ever made, as well as affiliating with the Zeta Nu chapter here at Clemson!

Clemson Miracle was the organization that has made me feel at home in Clemson. The first year I transferred, I was quite lonely and didn’t have many friends. I found it really hard to connect with some people and felt more homesick than ever. I participated in Dance Marathon my sophomore year and was starstruck. I stayed the full 12 hours and had the time of my life. I found out there was a morale team and looked at my friend and said, “I want to do that next year, I want to be them.” So, the next year (this year), I filled out the application and got selected to be on the morale team! I then filled out another application and went on an interview to be a morale captain. This organization has brought me so many friends, so much happiness, and a purpose. I LOVE Clemson Miracle with all of my heart and am so thankful for the opportunities that I have had so far. I cannot wait to see what next year brings me in this organization. 

My favorite Clemson memory this far would have to be our fall Clemson Miracle morale retreat on October 5th, 2019 (my birthday)! The entire morale team got together and we played a fundraising game and got randomly paired with another “moraler” and created funny Tik Toks to raise money. After, a miracle kid and his family came in to talk about their experience! Then, we went to Brinkley’s Buddy Walk at NewSpring Church. After, we had a dance party with the miracle families! After the buddy walk, we went back to Hendrix to have a lip-sync battle. My team and I created a dance to Tik Tok by Ke$ha and had so much fun doing so. We then all talked in a group, bonded, and shared our “whys.” I have met so many amazing people from this retreat and am looking forward to another one next year!

Both ADPi and Clemson Miracle have impacted my Clemson experience tremendously. ADPi brought me four of my closest friends who have made me feel less homesick at Clemson. ADPi has also provided me with built-in sisters, since I only have two brothers. ADPi has pushed me to thrive in my academic career and push myself to be the best I can be. Clemson Miracle has done so much for me that it’s hard to put in words. It makes me happy every day knowing that I am helping kids like my brother. Being involved in this organization has opened so many opportunities for me and has genuinely made me feel like I am making such a big difference for all of our miracle kids in Prisma Health. I love Clemson Miracle and cannot wait to have another year doing what I love!” -Alyssa Augello, AC ‘17

✺ Fun Facts ✺

  • Happy Place?

“My happy place is Reeves Beach in Baiting Hollow, NY. I grew up in Wantagh, NY (which is in Nassau County on Long Island), and we have a beach house in Baiting Hollow, NY (which is in Suffolk County on Long Island). Every summer, we go out every weekend with our whole family and all of our friends.” 

  • Favorite Quote?

““Do what you love, love what you do, and with all your heart give yourself to it” - Roy T. Bennett. This quote is something I live by every single day. I discovered this quote my freshman year of high school and have done my absolute best to live by it as much as I can. I am determined and committed to everything I put myself into, and I love to do what I do!”

  • Dream Job?

“My dream job would be to start off as an elementary education teacher, then become a principal, and eventually a superintendent. I am so passionate about education and have been so excited to have my own classroom one day, but I would love the opportunity to be a principal for a school so that I can use my leadership skills to the fullest.”

  • Go-To Throwback Jam?

“My go-to throwback jam has to be Lucky Strike by Maroon 5. Growing up, my main sport was bowling. It came natural to me, and I loved it so much that I bowled six days a week all throughout my middle and high school career. I was on my high school’s bowling team in 7th grade and became captain of the Varsity team when I was a freshman in high school. Before every meet, practice, tournament and championship, I would blast this song to get myself pumped up.”