Shining Sisters Week Thirteen

Adeline Cagle

AC ‘19

Adeline Cagle, AC ‘19

Adeline Cagle, AC ‘19

“Clemson has always held a very special place in my heart. I grew up attending Clemson football games and when I was little, I always (I mean always) wore my Clemson cheerleader uniform. So, when applying to colleges, Clemson was definitely on my radar. My mom told me that she wanted me to take an official tour of Clemson to see the campus. I thought she was crazy because I grew up going to Clemson and did not feel like a tour was necessary. But it was not until the tour that I truly saw with my own eyes how special it would be to be a student at Clemson University. I remember walking around the campus and observing the students dressed in orange, smiling, and enjoying themselves. It was then that I truly knew that Clemson was home and was where I wanted to be for the next four years of college.

Since coming to Clemson, I have loved being involved in the ClemsonLife Program, which is a program for young adults with intellectual disabilities. Through the ClemsonLife Program, I have been able to be a dinner peer once a week on Thursday nights. I have also been able to attend football watch parties and participate in game nights. The ClemsonLife Program has allowed me to express the love I have for special needs individuals. The ClemsonLife students have loved me in so many ways and have strengthened my belief in the importance of loving others no matter their ability.

ADPi has greatly influenced my experience at Clemson. I went through Recruitment this past year as a sophomore (August 2019), and was originally very nervous about the whole process. As a sophomore, I did not know what to expect and also knew that there would not be as many girls my age Recruitment. But, on the first day of Recruitment, I went in with a positive attitude and remembered being particularly drawn to the girls in ADPi. With each round, ADPi stood out more and more. Every girl I talked to was genuine and wanted to get to know me and what I was passionate about. I could also tell that there were girls in ADPi that considered faith to be important to them and this was something I was very drawn to. I knew that if I joined ADPi, I could lean on my sisters to support me, listen to me, and pray for me – and all of this is true. Ever since I joined ADPi, I have been blessed in so many ways. ADPi has provided me with a community of strong women who push me to be the best version of myself. I know that all of the friendships I have in ADPi will last far beyond college.

A goal I have for this semester is to have a better work-life schedule. Throughout college, I have realized that it is often hard to balance schoolwork with different social activities. But with better time management, I have been able to do more activities that I enjoy, such as working out and spending more time with my friends and sisters. By sticking to my goal, I have felt more fulfilled this semester.” - Adeline Cagle, AC ‘19

✺ Fun Facts ✺

  • Favorite Quote? 

    “More than she was known for her accomplishments she was known for the way she loved.” -Morgan Harper Nichols”

  • Go-To Throwback Jam?

“Beautiful Soul” by Jesse McCartney. This song always hits close to home, especially to my 10-year-old self. There was nothing like screaming this song out of my mom’s car or at sleepovers with friends.”

  • Happy Place? 

“My happy place is definitely the beach. I always feel more relaxed and am able to clear my mind when I am there. There’s nothing like listening to the waves and going on long walks on a pretty summer day.”

  • Best Clemson Memory? 

    “Being downtown for the 2018 National Championship game was my favorite Clemson memory. I loved being surrounded by thousands of other Clemson students and fans and cheering on the Tigers to a 28 (yes 28) point win over Alabama! It was also a special memory for me because my dad remembered cheering on the Tigers in the 1981 National Championship game when he was a Clemson student, so we got to share this special moment together.”

Hadley Dowdle

AC ‘18

Hadley Dowdle, AC ‘18

Hadley Dowdle, AC ‘18

“Clemson was the last place I toured and honestly I never thought about going there until I visited! My story is unique because I grew up swimming all my life and until junior year there wasn't a doubt in my mind that I was going to swim in college. I toured lots of colleges and got to see a lot of really cool places but when I got to Clemson I just felt at home. One thing I thought was super cool was that whenever I told people that I was from Auburn, they were like “oh Clemson is Auburn with a lake!” I love football, especially now. I love Clemson football and I think that's another thing that really affirmed my feelings about Clemson. Everyone here was so genuine, happy, and had a lot of passion about their school. I appreciate Clemson so much and I know that I made the right decision. I can't wait to bring my family here someday!

My favorite extracurricular involvement is volunteering with Anderson PAWS. I love volunteering with Anderson PAWS because I get to go play with the dogs and puppies. It makes me so so happy because I miss my doggies from home so much! Also, several times I have adopted a dog for the day and gotten to love on them and let them have fun. 

My best Clemson memory is watching the National Championship in 2019 on the big screen downtown and getting to see all of the school spirit that Clemson has. Also, getting my scrubs and equipment for nursing and beginning our time learning hands on in the lab was another memory I will never forget.

My favorite sorority memory was Family Weekend this year getting to bring my family to Clemson and introduce them to my friend’s families. Also, the next morning my friends and I all had brunch in the utility room on the hall before a home football game. 

Joining ADPi has impacted my Clemson career in many ways because I have met so many amazing older girls who have given me a ton of advice in Nursing.  Also, I am involved in SNA (Student Nursing Association) which has given me an abundance of great connections and resources. 

My goals for this semester include achieving a 4.0 and spending time growing closer with friends. My goals for my future include finding a job in Charleston, Savannah, or Birmingham and working in the NICU, Labor and Delivery, or the ER.” - Hadley Dowdle, AC ‘18

✺ Fun Facts ✺

  • Celebrity you Would Like to be Bffs With?

“Jennifer Anniston because I could watch Friends on repeat all day, every week, and year long!”

  • Childhood Trend you Miss?

“Riding scooters alongside my parents while we walked the dogs! It was the best! We would go all around the neighborhood occasionally racing down the hills or to get ice cream from Shakes!”

  • Dream Job?

“My dream job would be working in the NICU, Labor and Delivery, or the ER! Also, I would love to work at a children's hospital someday.”

  • Happy Place?

“My happy place is at my lake house on Lake Martin and being with my dogs, family, and friends.”

Ella Marie Melton

AC ‘17

Ella Marie Melton, AC ‘17

Ella Marie Melton, AC ‘17

“I chose Clemson because I fell in love with the school when I toured for the first time! I honestly had never heard of Clemson until I met with my college guidance counselor. She thought I should tour to see if I liked it. I had my heart set on going to University of Tennessee in Knoxville but at the same time I felt like I wanted to take a risk. As soon as I stepped on Clemson’s campus for the first time I fell in love! I felt so much warmth and love from the close-knit community of Clemson. Everyone on the tour was so nice and helpful; I felt right at home. I could tell how much people loved being students here and I wanted to be able to love my college the same way. I was nervous moving away from Tennessee, but the transition was so much easier than I thought, and Clemson slowly became my home away from home. I am so thankful that I stepped out of my comfort zone and took a leap of faith to come to Clemson! 

Clemson has given me so many opportunities for involvement around campus!  Clemson FCA, Student Nurses Association, and Order of Omega are some of the organizations that have shaped my Clemson experience. But a smaller activity that has been exciting and that I have enjoyed so much as a student at Clemson has been intramural sports! I am very competitive and love some friendly competition in a low-stress environment. I have gotten to play flag football on the ADPi team, and I currently play basketball with my nursing friends! It’s so much fun to be a part of a team and be able to play and laugh together. Sports are such a good way to destress from the week!

One of the best sorority memories I have made is Mallard Ball this year! Mallard is my favorite function because it's wacky, everyone puts on their best camo attire, and we all take a bus to a cool venue! We had a blast dancing to the live band this year. I remember me and my friends were the LAST people to leave because we were having such a great time. The band was packing up and was ready to leave, but we convinced them to play one more song for us!

One of the greatest things that ADPi gave me was the opportunity to serve as the Director of Philanthropy. I feel like I gained a lot of leadership experience and it taught me how to work well and communicate with others! Our philanthropy, Ronald McDonald House Charities, holds a special place in my heart and I am so thankful I got the opportunity to help raise money to support such an amazing organization. The best part about working with a local organization is that we get to see first-hand the impact we have on RMH and the people staying there! I learned so many skills as the Director of Philanthropy that I can take into my career with me. 

For this semester, my goal is to make the most out of each day and do something fun every day! Right now, my main goal is to graduate from Clemson's Nursing school! Eventually, I would like to go back to school to become a Nurse Practitioner, but I want to work on the floor for a few years first before I go back to school. I could also see myself going back to school to become a CRNA (certified registered nurse anesthetist). I hope to keep volunteering with the Ronald McDonald House in the future and I hope to keep traveling and seeing new places and trying new things!” - Ella Marie Melton, AC ‘17

✺ Fun Facts ✺

  • About You?

“I am a triplet! We look nothing alike. My sister is an ADPi in nursing school at Samford University and my brother is studying computer science at Rhodes College!”

  • Happy Place? 

“30A !!! There is nothing I love more than the beach.”

  • Dream Job?

“Pediatric Nurse Practitioner in Greenville” 

  • Best Advice?  

“Never compare your success to the success of others. Comparison in the thief of JOY. Always just do the best you can and that’s all anyone can ever ask of you!”