Shining Sisters Week Five
A Good Day to Have a Good Day
It’s so easy to get caught up in the fast-paced routine of our daily lives and overwhelmed by the pressures of perfection and planning for the future. But, if we consciously and continually take the time to stop and look around, we can learn to let the future worry about itself and really recognize the beauty and freedom of the present. Life is truly about the little things; things like sharing the stories of our sisters and spending the last few weeks of the semester in reflection of the place and people we’re lucky enough to call home.
Charley Manley
The world is your runway, and our sister Charley is taking it by storm. Strutting her stuff through runway shows, Instagram ads, and catalog shoots, Charley aims to spread her passion for women’s empowerment and the celebration of individuality as she travels the world looking incredible while doing it.
“I’m so fortunate to have multiple jobs promoting clothing/swimsuit/jewelry/etc. brands. I work for a few brands regularly including Marley Lilly and Sherri Hill. I’m a “catalog” model for Marley Lilly, meaning I model for their website, promotional emails, Instagram, and other social media sites. For Sherri Hill, I’m a market model, meaning each market when Sherri Hill is showing their new line of pageant/prom dresses, I’m a part of a few models that wear the dresses in runway shows, and around the Sherri Hill showroom for clients. The clients that come to the markets are dress store owners who are purchasing new dresses for their stores where girls go pageant and prom dress shopping! I absolutely love being a Sherri girl. I have made some incredible friendships from Sherri Hill these past 3 years with girls from all over the country.
On Instagram, I partner with several clothing and swimwear brands for promotional posts. One brand that truly inspires me is Show Me Your MuMu. I would absolutely love to work with them whether it be modeling or promotional marketing. The biggest lesson I’ve learned from modeling is not to compare myself to other girls that I’m working with. I love that all the brands I work with are embracing all different body types and are focusing on work ethic and personality. It’s unique that I have many modeling opportunities without being signed to a modeling agency. Going forward, I’m open to the idea of signing to an agency to get additional jobs and to travel more, but I don’t see modeling being a serious career for me. My main goal is to see as much of the world as possible and to live a happy life that I’m absolutely in love with. I’ve had several modeling jobs that have caused stress and anxiety and I don’t want to put myself in that environment (if I can help it)! I’m a huge advocate for women who show other women support and encouragement and I hope that those who I have influence over can really see that!” - Charley Manley, AC ‘16
Fun Facts about Charley
- Weird trait? I absolutely hate pizza. I’ve tried so hard to like it my entire life but marinara sauce is just not for me (lol).
- Biggest pet peeve? My biggest pet peeve is ignorance (even though we are all guilty of it sometimes). I strive to know facts before I speak, in order to avoid it.
- Favorite place in the world? I studied abroad in Italy the summer of 2018 and I truly believe the best place in the world is Capri, Italy on the Amalfi Coast.
Natalie Dowling
Social media has become a cornerstone of daily life, making it an extraordinarily effective component in communicating your brand’s message and mission. Natalie, one of our Social Media Co-Chairs, does an incredible job of capturing the light of our chapter in a positive, personal manner across all platforms.
“As a creative with an eye for all things design and a strong passion for marketing, it only seemed fitting to run for the Social Media position for Zeta Nu, a leadership opportunity that would allow for hands-on experience within the industry that I admire! After talking with Arlena about it, I was so excited because I knew that collaborating with each other and use our own individual talents would strengthen our brand! As a Graphic Communications major with a Brand Communications minor, this position incorporates a lot of skills that I’m learning about in class throughout my daily life which has helped me gain a greater appreciation for my studies. With goals to work in this industry in the future, this role is a step in the right direction.
Although social media often times has a negative, depth-lacking connotation, I wholeheartedly believe that there’s so much good that can result! Communicating a consistent positive image of the Zeta Nu chapter of Alpha Delta Pi is the one of most important aspects of being Social Media Co-Chair! Social media in itself is really just about having a purpose and saying something important and impactful. It not only incorporates marketing strategies but also shows an artistic, creative side that most people may overlook. I truly believe in the detail; there is something wonderful about all the details of design coming together. I really hope that throughout each post, caption, picture, whatever it may be, that we illustrate our compassionate spirit and really exhibit how we live for each other!!
Our sisters are involved in so many different things, whether that be a variety of organizations on- or off-campus, incredible internships, crazy cool jobs, or other extracurricular activities, where they really shine in all they do. With that being said, one of our main goals going into the year that will continue to be a huge goal is incorporating that involvement into our social media so that others see who we really are, how we spend our time, and our passions within so many aspects of our lives-- not just within a sorority. Employing strategies to connect on a more personal level is an important aspect of the future of our social media because there are so many wonderful girls that should be praised daily. Using social media in creative ways is crucial to depicting our authenticity and emphasizing the well-rounded sorority that we truly are!
Being in ADPi doesn’t mean everyone is exactly the same, involved in the same things, studying the same thing, or even have the same interests or style, but that’s the beauty of it: we all are so unique!! Just like every flower has beautiful individuality yet comes together to become a stunning bouquet, ADPi really does mean being there for each other because we shine so much brighter together. ” - Natalie Dowling, AC ‘17
Fun Facts about Natalie
- Dream job? Being a creative director for Anthropologie would be an absolute dream! Also owning my own coffee & floral shop, that’d be incredible!!
- Happy place? My grandfathers wonderful garden is my happy place; among the pink peonies and red roses & all the beautiful perfectly planted plants of many shades of green I feel so at peace and simply happy. It’s absolutely breathtaking!
- Go-to throwback jam? Year 3000, I mean talk about a jam!
Sage Bessert
Coming all the way from Peoria, IL on a hard-fought road to TigerTown, the beginning of our very own Sage Bessert’s Clemson story reverberates resilience and determination to heed her calling. Everything really does happen for a reason; our chapter would not be the same without her and we can’t wait to see how the rest of her story unfolds.
“I truly don’t know how to put my Clemson story into words, but it sure is a special one! Flashback to senior year - the craziness of the college application process was upon me and I began to cross off every other school that I had applied to because I simply felt a pull towards Clemson. February slowly rolled around, and I ended up getting wait-listed, which left me heartbroken and scared, but still hopeful! As much as I had anticipated the possibility of being told no, I never believed it would actually happen. I had such a distinct feeling; I couldn’t explain it, but I knew that I was supposed to be at Clemson in the fall – so I stuck with my gut and fought for it!
I quickly reached out to a lady in admissions in attempt to put my foot in the door, and she suggested that I come meet her in person at Spring Blitz. My mom and I dropped everything to fly to Clemson and do exactly that! She encouraged me to call at the end of the month for yet another update, and when the time came, I proceeded with the phone call only to find out that a handful of students had already been admitted off the waitlist. She emphasized the importance of me submitting a deposit to another school, as my chance of acceptance was highly unlikely. At this point, I was absolutely crushed, and I truly could not picture myself anywhere else. In fact, I had hardly any options left as I missed the deposit dates for almost every other school that I applied to.
The spring semester of my senior year was truly one of the hardest times of my life because every single aspect of my future was unknown. There was practically a one in one thousand chance that I would ever make it off that list, but I felt that I had come too far to simply quit and had nothing left to lose by continuing to fight for what I felt was right. This led me to my last attempt at being accepted, which was to write and mail a letter straight to the desk of the Dean of Admissions. I am still unsure of what those 550 words said in that letter, because I truly think that the Lord wrote it for me, but I was accepted into Clemson University two days later on April 31st. The sweet lady who had been helping me throughout the stressful spring months even reached out to congratulate me on my acceptance.
There are four weeks left of my freshman year and I still stop to pinch myself as I walk this campus; I am living the dream and I only wish everyone could experience a place as special as this one. There is so much love here - it’s evident in the way people treat each other and the way people pour their hearts into all that they do. This entire story has allowed me to truly appreciate all that Clemson is, but more importantly it has shown me how faithful the Lord is. Not for a minute would I want to take the glory away from Him! He is so evident in this place and I hope none of us ever forget how intentional He was in making Clemson exactly the way it is. Go Tigers y’all!!! I just love this place!” - Sage Bessert, AC ‘18
Fun Facts about Sage
- Favorite childhood memory? The living room in my house used to be unfinished – it had one couch and one coffee table that stood next to it. My dad would always dance to “Walking on Sunshine” with my brother and I as kids in this big open space! He would twirl us around the room and jump off the couch (that we weren’t supposed to touch) as the chorus blasted throughout the entire main floor of the house
- Country you’re dying to visit? Africa is on the top of my list! I have a huge heart for social work, especially international adoption and foster care, so I would love to visit this beautiful country to learn more about its people and how I can serve them!
- Spirit animal? Kangaroo!
Arlena Kiriakides
Let’s give it up for all the freshmen serving our chapter as Officers! Arlena, Social Media Co-Chair, has undertaken this creative and collaborative role as a way to learn more about herself, her career aspirations, and the amazing sisters that make up Zeta Nu.
“Deciding to run for social media chair with Natalie has by far been one of the best decisions I made freshman year!! I was continually encouraged by some of my sistas to go for it and I’m so glad I did. I would have never believed that I would come in and run for a position as a freshman, but it has been one of the most fun learning experiences ever! Our job happens more behind the scenes, but is a very important role. We run all the social media accounts including our website, Instagram, VSCO and Facebook. Taking the reins on our social media is a big responsibility, but if you ask either of us, it's such a fun job! We both love being able to put our heads together to create all different kinds of posts + fun ways to show off all the amazing girls in our chapter! Not many people get to see the work that goes into it: the constant editing, writing, posting, uploading, communicating, and brainstorming can be tiring for both of us at times, but Natalie is such an awesome partner and being able to watch our social media grow has been so rewarding. Some goals we have are to create more interactive ways to engage with our followers to make “Clemson ADPi” a name you will not scroll past :) Being a part of the Recruitment + Marketing team has also been such a fun position for me! I am a Marketing major and this position has really helped me discover how one day I would really enjoy exploring the social media side of marketing as a career.
On top of all of this, being a part of ADPi has truly made my time first year here at Clemson, THE BEST EVER!!! Our chapter is such a special one and has really brought me the best of friends and memories. ADPi goes beyond just the laughs and fun though; it boils down to being impacted by people who inspire me everyday. One of the many reasons I went ADPi is because of my own two sisters who were ADPi’s before me; they are my best friends who I look up to more than they know, and seeing them grow into amazing women because of ADPi makes me strive to be like them and ultimately love ADPi that much more. I can't wait for what the Lord has in store for me these next 3 years in ADPi and here at Clemson, I know He will do big, BIG things!” - Arlena Kiriakides, AC ‘18
Fun Facts about Arlena:
- Famous person you'd like to be bffs with? TAYLOR SWIFT. If you know me you know I’m obsessed and would die to meet her… also my explore page on insta is all Taylor videos sooooo yeah
- Happy place? Greece - my favorite place on earth! My homeland + the most breathtaking, beautiful place in world... if you haven't been you have to! Makes you stop and think, WOW God really outdid himself on this one!!
- Fav time of year and why? Summertimeee!! Could. Not. Live. Without. It. Picture watermelon on the beach in 80 degrees... mmmmhm