Shining Sisters Week Two
Be Brave. Be Bold. Be Better.
Cheers to Spring Break, ladies! Although we’re all thrilled for some much-needed time off, there’s never a week that goes by without the need to celebrate our incredible sisters and their stories. In such a transitional and transformative time in our lives, nothing means more than learning, growing, and doing life alongside those who love you for you.
Sallie McLeod
We all know Sallie as one of the funniest, most lively, and honest sisters who brightens any and every room. She serves many roles within our chapter as not only a friend to all, but a huge mentor and leader too.
“When I think of ADPi, I think of the sisterhood that comes with being in this sorority. ADPi is so important to me because I am constantly surrounded by outstanding individuals who encourage and inspire me everyday. Instead of being satisfied with how I am as a person, these women hold me to a higher standard and give me the ability to grow and be the best version of myself. I think of my group of sisters who are always going to be there for me, whether that is currently in college to eat lunch or going on girls’ trips when we’re 40. ADPi is so much more than four years; it’s a lifetime. When I attended the District Leadership Conference last year, I met women from chapters all over, and lots of the women were well into their 50s and were reuniting with their sisters who they met through their own chapters or by working within ADPi on a district or national level. ADPi gives you so many connections and friendships that make such a huge impact on your life.
As an Alpha, I loved everything about ADPi (and still do). During Alpha Education meetings, I soaked it all in and knew that I wanted to participate in a leadership role at some point in ADPi. When looking at positions, New Member Coordinator (NMC) really caught my eye. I loved being an Alpha and thought how cool it would be to actually teach those meetings and get to know and grow relationships with the new freshman girls. I wanted to give Alphas the opportunity to meet and interact with the girls in their new member class as much as possible and have me as somebody they can look up to within ADPi and come to about anything in general. The main reason I wanted to do NMC was to be a support system for those girls and hope that my love for ADPi would show to them and that my teachings and interactions with them would make them love ADPi as much as I do. When I got elected New Member Coordinator, I had no idea that I would have 67 Alphas who truly have made more of an impact on my life than they realize. Being in charge of 67 college freshman girls can be exhausting, but they taught me so much. I loved being able to get to know each of them on a personal level and see how they were going to further our chapter and Clemson University. When I finished my term as NMC, I did not want it to end. I loved being able to guide these girls through the new member process and show them the most special aspects of ADPi. I knew after finishing that role that I wanted to serve on the Executive Committee. I realized that being Membership Education Vice President would give me the opportunity to continue what I loved doing with NMC by being over all of membership education and not just with the Alphas.
As a current member of our Executive Committee, I have learned how there are so many people supporting you and what you are doing in your role. Each and every girl on Exec is so encouraging, and I love being able to serve with them. Another special part of Exec is getting to be a representation of the chapter as a whole. When I’m at Exec meetings, I feel that the opinions I have always consider the entire chapter. I like being that voice and know that the chapter trusts me to have good input on situations and ideas. Another HUGE thing I have always learned but now actually see so much through this team is that it takes a village. You can’t always handle tasks by yourself, and that’s okay. It doesn’t mean you’re weak, and I’ve had to look at that differently too. You’re strong enough to reach out for help, and you’re always going to have people to help and support you through anything. However, with any experience also comes challenges.I’ve had to learn that not everything is going to happen the way you think it is or the exact way you planned it. In many leadership roles, you have to be able to go with whatever is presented to you, and I have grown immensely from being able to take unexpected circumstances and make them into something positive. I am so honored that I have been given the opportunity and privilege to serve this chapter.” - Sallie McLeod, AC ‘16
Fun facts about Sallie:
- What’s your dream job? I would love to be an Oscar winning actress living in Beverly Hills!
- Favorite travel destination? LA baby! I travelled to Los Angeles over Fall Break last year with some of my sisters and fell in love! My favorite spots are Malibu Beach & Venice Beach (but Hollywood Blvd. works too)
Caroline Brazell
Our sister Caroline Brazell embodied our motto with immense boldness and bravery as she packed her bags in January full of a whole lot of uncertainties, yet has been filling it up with countless extraordinary memories and life lessons over the course of her adventure of a lifetime.
“I am currently studying abroad in Cyprus, which is a beautiful little island in the Eastern Mediterranean filled with spectacular views, mountains, and beaches! I have always wanted to study abroad, but I was always told by my advisors that because my major is nursing, I was not allowed to. However, this past December I received THE BEST EMAIL EVER giving nursing students the opportunity to travel across the world in less than a month! I was only given a week to make the extremely tough decision to leave all my friends and family so soon, but if you know me, you know that I love new adventures, experiences and friendships. I put all my trust in God and trusted that He will put the right people in my life for the right reasons. I remember calling my sister in the airport and saying, “I don’t know who I’m living with, I don’t know what apartment I’m living in, I don’t know the language, I don’t have a phone plan, I don’t even know if my debit card works, but I AM EXCITED!” Fast forward three months and it’s amazing to look back and see how much I have grown, how quickly strangers turned into best friends, how a place once so foreign is now my home, and how God is always in control.
While studying abroad seems to be all fun and games, it does have its challenges. About a month in, my roommate and I realized that we were hit with culture shock. We became frustrated with the little things like learning how to take the bus when all the signs are in Greek, not being able to flush toilet paper, never being able to communicate without wifi, etc. Thankfully together we have adapted and started implementing activities in our everyday lives here that we used to do in the states. Volunteering, helping others, and being outside have always been important to me so I started volunteering at a nursery school weekly, volunteered at a refugee center, and joined a hiking group! After adapting and developing a routine, I fell in love with the culture, people, and country! I love the pita bread, the landscape, the beaches, the Greek language, the coffee and wine at all hours of the day, the cats everywhere, and how everyone is super laid back.
Studying abroad has given me incredible adventures such as exploring the beauty of Cyprus, walking in Jesus’ footsteps, learning to navigate foreign cities without phones, and flying to Egypt on a whim to see the pyramids! I also have adapted the “you live and you learn” mindset for when all my hilarious fiascos take place such as sleeping in my winter jacket because “the beachfront hotel” we booked for $15 was actually a room in a Belgium man’s freezing apartment, going to an African church and almost falling down when the priest grabbed me by the head and spun me in circles, getting lost in Tel Aviv and somehow making it on a random bus that led to Jerusalem, and having my wallet stolen and surviving off of Venmoing my amazing friends and the 50 euros I have to my name!!
I’ve learned that traveling is incredibly important to discover new perspectives and appreciate everything you’ve been given. By hearing the stories of wonderful people and experiencing their culture firsthand, I’ve developed respect and awareness toward cultural differences like religion, dress, opinions, and ways of life. Because when my new Jewish friend asked me to join his friends at their church and Shabbat dinner in Israel I said “why not?” and ended up learning so much about the religion while getting to dance and enjoy a free 5 course meal with people from all over the world! It is has been nothing short of an adventure and being able to call my friends and family back home and tell them all about it makes it even better :)” - Caroline Brazell, AC ‘17
Fun Facts about Caroline:
- If you could have any one superpower, what would it be? Definitely to fly because then I wouldn’t have to search for cheap flights on 24/7
- Go-to throwback jam? ooo this is tough umm maybe Build Me Up Buttercup, or He Could Be the One by Hannah Montana, or Fergalicious!!
- Dream job? NICU nurse!!
Bella Cook
Bella Cook doesn’t just sweat, she sparkles! As a group fitness instructor, Bella inspires our chapter to share her passion for health and wellness and motivates us all to be our best selves, mentally and physically. There’s nothing like a 5am grind sesh to start your day shining.
“I teach cycling classes and I am an F45 coach. My mom is actually a fitness instructor at home and I have always loved taking her cycling classes so I decided to get certified and do it myself. She has always inspired me in many ways and this seemed like an amazing job I could start in this new chapter of my life. I have always loved being active. In high school I was a competitive dancer and taught classes to the younger students. This seemed like a great transition coming to Clemson and still encouraging others while exercising! My favorite part is definitely motivating others to get excited about their health and fitness while also using their excitement to motivate myself. I love working with others who have the same passion for fitness as I do!
The main challenge is waking up at 5am and getting there. Once I get there, my day is started, and the atmosphere excites me to lead a successful workout. It has taught me to be patient and professional in many ways, especially in communication and responsibility. I have more to balance with academics and my job which has taught me to develop time management skills as well. I’ve definitely grown throughout my time teaching! I started teaching for the first time in August and since then have learned so much about how to effectively teach and modify an effective workout for any client that walks into my class.” - Bella Cook, AC ‘18
Fun facts about Bella:
- Celebrity crush? Ryan Reynolds
- If you were an ice cream flavor what would u be? Dairy Free haha
- Favorite Clemson memory? Watching us WIN the Natty downtown
- Favorite quote? “Believe in yourself. You are braver than you think, more talented than you know, and capable of more than you imagine” -Roy T. Bennett